I started my journey with the Tarot around 50 years ago, when my husband asked for a Tarot Deck for his birthday.

I chose the Mythic Deck and gave it to him but he found it much easier to ask me to give him readings so I decided that there was a good reason why I had chosen the Mythic, it was because I was meant to work with them and not him!   

I had always been aware of spirit and my clairsentient and intuitive abilities working with the Tarot seemed to be exactly right for me.

At first, I drew up readings for friends and family and I was as amazed as they were at the things I could discover and that they knew were right for them – also things that they may have laughed at, at the time, but as predicted the things that the cards had told me came true.

At one point, way back, I had a shop and was famous for my monthly Spooky Nights!

A regular meeting place for like-minded people to get together and to have access to Readers, Mediums, Therapists and Healers. Before Mind Body Spirit Fairs were invented there we were, flying the psychic flag. All of which allowed me to develop my skills even more.

My favourite success was with the mum of a neighbour, who I had never met before – the cards predicted a big improvement in her money situation. 

She hoped that would be the case but could not see why. Sure enough, around 6 weeks later she rushed back to me to say that a builder had knocked on her door and offered to buy part of her back garden, which she jumped at – and received a 6 figure sum!

During my 50 years of being blessed to be able to receive information from the Tarot and from universal energies I have provided private readings, read for Tarot groups and at various events.  I also organise my own events such as Mind Body Spirit Fairs, Psychic Nights, Wellbeing Evenings and workshops on Tarot and Divination.

It is a real joy to be able to offer help and advice to people and to find that positive way that they could move forward with their lives and also to teach others these skills so that they too can shine their light out into the world to make a difference to others.

I am also a published author on a variety of subjects.

I have qualifications in Relaxation Therapy, Holistic Diagnosis, Counselling and Reiki.