T4Y in Association with the Training Solutions Academy can now offer you this professional Foot Health Practitioner Course.
Whether you want to be able to treat a range of common foot problems for your friends and family or to set up in business as a Foot Health Practitioner this course will give you all the information you need to be able to offer your services safely and with a thorough understanding of the workings of the foot and lower limb.
This course is an in depth study and technical terms are used throughout since the work of a Foot Health Practitioner is an important profession and training must be thorough and complete.
When you are working with a client/patient you are responsible for your actions and great care must be taken at all times as your treatment will have an effect on the person you are treating. This effect must never be detrimental to the patient and the outcome must always bring an improvement to the patient’s foot health and general well-being. When a patient tells you that they are walking on air after being treated you know that you have performed your job well!
Each Module has a tutor marked assessment, via email, to enable the student to get the best from the course and reach the required standard.
This is a non-surgical course, on completion of the final assessment you will be awarded with the TSA Certificate of Achievement FHPF (TSA).
You will then be offered a place on the optional 5 day Practical Course, held in Louth, Lincolnshire, in a working clinic to enhance your skills, gain confidence and learn new skills such as scalpel work, dressings and medicaments and be practicing on real clients under supervision. This course is an optional extra should it be of interest.
Module One
Introduction to the work and responsibilities of an FHP.
Introduction to Anatomy and Physiology
Module Two
The Muscular & Skeletal Systems
Module Three
Blood Flow / Circulation, Muscles & Skin
Module Four
How we walk, common foot problems and treatments
Module Five
The Importance of Sterilisation, the Definitions of Infection and Bacteria
Module Six
Tools of the Trade, Wound Dressings and Padding
Module Seven
Skin Conditions and Hyperkeratosis / Callus
Module Eight
Technicalities of Fungal Infections and Their Treatment
Module Nine
Nails and Nail Problems
Module Ten
The Diabetic Foot – Causes, Signs & Symptoms
Module Eleven
How to Conduct an Examination of Your Patient, Record Keeping
(At this stage of the course details will b e sent to you regarding the practical course, for information only.)
Module Twelve
Situations You Will Need To Deal With In Your Practice
Module Thirteen
The Business of Being a Foot Health Practitioner
Module Fourteen – Final Assessment:- Certificate of Acievement Awarded.
Cost of the FHP Course – £175
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