Tarot4You in Association with the Training Solutions Academy can now offer you quality training – start your own business or to treat friends and family learn all the skills that you need to provide these sought after treatments.

Manicure & Pedicure Double Course Pack.

These courses are in Module format and will teach you the safe way to offer your treatments. Modules cover – sterilisation and hygiene techniques and health and safety, equipment needed, date protection and clients records, step by step treatment instructions including massage techniques and nail polish application.  There is also a helpful business Module to give you ideas about how to set up and expand your business.

With tutor support whenever needed with help and advice these courses can be bought either separately or together and will offer a great fast track way to get your business off the ground safely and quickly, to enable you to start earning straight away.

Single Manicure Course  – £35

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Single Pedicure Course – £35

[wpecpp name=”Single Pedicure Course” price=”£35″ align=”left”]



Manicure & Pedicure Course Double Bundle – £70.00

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