Secrets in a Tea Cup

Divination Spotlight on – Tea Leaf Reading (Tasseography)Tasseography,

Tasseomancy or Tassology is the art of identifying symbols and interpreting messages found in the shapes and configurations of tea leaves.   If you don’t like tea (I don’t!) you can use coffee grounds of any drink that leaves sediment in the bottom of a cup.  This method of divination thought to have originated from the Chinese more than 4000 years ago, it then spread all over Europe as gypsies used it as a method of fortune
telling. It became really popular in the Victorian period here in the UK when tea was imported from China. 

How it Works

Quieten your mind for a moment. Think about any question you would like to ask. Drink from your cup until there is only a very slight amount of liquid in the bottom, about a
tablespoon will do it. Take the cup by the handle, in the upright position and swirl it round in a circle three times – in a clockwise direction.With the left hand slowly and very carefully turn the cup upside down over a saucer. Leave it in this position until all the liquid drains away. Position the handle due south. 

How to Read the Tea Leaves.

The cup should be divided into three sections, the top/rim indicates the present, the side ndicates the immediate future and the bottom indicates the distant
future.  The closer symbols are to the handle, the sooner these events will happen.If symbols are near the rim or top part of the cup, these will happen within days. If symbols are in the middle part of the cup then this signifies a couple of weeks. If on the baseof bottom part of the cup then this indicates the more distant future – at least a month or more away.

What to Look For

There will be all sorts of shapes when you really look, here are just a few possibilities and what they could mean:

Sun – new beginnings, happiness, energy, optimismMoon – a passionate love affairLetter (that you would put in a post box) – money will be coming to you

Heart – strong and true affection

Key – beginning of new projects

Fan shaped symbol – meetings and social gatherings

Apple – ambition, desire to better yourself

Snake – someone around you is untrustworthy

Mountains – success within your careerBird cage – be careful with finances and family affairs

Candle – pursuit of knowledge.

Now its over to you! Next time you are drinking something with some kind of residue, take a look at see what you can see.

Reading Tea Leaves